The vaporizers deliver a very fine, highly accurate, and consistent dose of Isoflurane to the anesthesia machine
Foschi Srl
Packing qt: 1
Vat: 22%
Cod. 00008843 | 2008000088439
Isoflurane vaporizer Tec 3 - Isoflurane - Rapid connection
Selling unit: 1Packing qt: 1
Vat: 22%
in stock
Foschi Srl
Packing qt: 1
Vat: 22%
Cod. 00008843 | 2008000088439
Isoflurane vaporizer Tec 3 - Isoflurane - Rapid connection
Second hand
Selling unit: 1Packing qt: 1
Vat: 22%
in stock
Product details
- Key-fill
- 250cc Liquid anesthetic capacity- nearly twice as much as other vaporizers
- Flow-rate and temperature compensation device
- Constructed of high grade steel and brass with precision manufacture unequaled in the industry.
- Cagemount or rapid connection